Friday, 30 October 2015

Punjabi Masses are on the Way of “Punjabi Nationalism”.

Mulla, Pundut, Padri always had the same mindset and it will remain. Instead of practicing religion in their moral character building and spiritual development for the life of the hereafter, they prefer to exploit religion for their social, economic and political interests. But Punjabi's, the followers of the Sufi Saints, always remained out from their conspiracies. However, religious propagation in British India was a political tool for the division of British India, to control the governance of India and Pakistan after dividing the British India by the UP-ite Hindi speaking Hindus and UP-ite Urdu speaking Muslims. They succeeded and religion became a political stunt for domination of UP-ite Hindi speaking Hindus in India and UP-ite Urdu speaking Muslims in Pakistan.

Punjabi is the 9th biggest nation and Punjabi speaking population of the world. Punjabi nation is the 3rd biggest nation of South Asia. Punjabi Muslims are the 3rd largest ethnic community in the Muslim Ummah. Punjabis are the largest ethnic population in Pakistan. (A state composed upon the area of Indus Valley Civilization). But, socially and politically Punjabis were a confused, depressed and deprived nation due to "Trauma of Division of Punjab"and Pakistani Punjabi's were hanging to relocate their ideology that; They are Muslim?. They are Pakistani?. They are Punjabi?. 

However, now Punjabi people are coming out from "Trauma of 2 Million Punjabi Massacre" and "World Largest Mass Migration", that is displacement of 20 Million Punjabis within few months due to division of Punjab for the sake of creating Pakistan in 1947 and the domination of Urdu language, hegemony of Gunga Jumna culture, supremacy of UP-ites and UP-ite mindsets clones of Gunga Jumna culture in policy making and decision taking of national affairs and foreign relations of the Punjabi nation and Pakistan.

If we start speaking other languages and forget our own, we would not be we, we would be clones of an alien people; we would be aliens to ourselves" UNESCO, 1958.

But, now Pakistani Punjabi's had traced their identity that;

1. They are inhabitants of the historic land of five rivers called as Punjab, their language is Punjabi, their culture is Punjabi and they follow the Punjabi traditions, therefore, they are Punjabi and they are the part of Punjabi nation. Being the 9th biggest nation and Punjabi speaking population of the world and the 3rd biggest nation of South Asia, they are supposed to build up the political stability, economic growth and social respect of their nation in the worldly life affairs, as well as, respectable social, economic and political interaction with other nations.

2. They follow the teachings of Islam, therefore, they are Muslim and they are the part of Muslim Ummah. Being the 3rd largest ethnic community in the Muslim Ummah, they are supposed to practice Islam for their moral character building and spiritual development for the life of the hereafter, moreover, respectable social, economic and political interaction with other ethnic communities of the Muslim Ummah.

3. They are the citizens of Pakistan, therefore, they are Pakistani and they are the part of the Pakistani State (A state composed upon the area of Indus Valley Civilization). Being the largest ethnic population in Pakistan, they are supposed to take part in the political stability, economic growth and social respect of their state, furthermore, respectable social, economic and political interaction with other states of the world.

Therefore, identity of Pakistani Punjabi is Pakistani Muslim Punjabi and Pakistani Muslim Punjabi masses are on the way of “Punjabi Nationalism”. As a result, after stability in agricultural sector, industrial sector, trade sector, education institutions, skilled professions, media organizations and political organizations, at present, Pakistani Muslim Punjabi's are on the way to dominate the civil bureaucracy, military establishment and foreign affair institutions for the policy-making and decision-taking of national and international affairs of Pakistan, by replacing the control of UP-ite and UP-ite mindsets clones in policy-making of national and international affairs of Pakistan.

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