Friday, 5 February 2016

Status of Punjabis in Pakistan, South Asia, Muslim Ummah and World.

A. Punjabis are the largest ethnic group in Pakistan.
B. Punjabi nation is the 3rd biggest nation of South Asia.
C. Punjabi Muslims are the 3rd largest ethnic community in the Muslim Ummah.
D. Punjabi is the 9th biggest nation and Punjabi Speaking population of the World.

A). The population of Pakistan is 180 million, with a population of more than 100 million Punjabis in Pakistan, the Punjabis are the largest ethnic population in Pakistan.

B). The 1st biggest nation of South Asia is Gunga Jumna Culture, Hindi-Urdu Speaking People of UP, CP called as UP-ites, the 2nd biggest nation is Bengali and the 3rd biggest nation is Punjabi.

C). According to the Pew Research Center in 2010, there were 50 Muslim-majority countries. Around 62% of the world's Muslims live in South and Southeast Asia, with over 1 billion adherents.

The largest Muslim population in a country is in Indonesia, a nation home to 12.7% of the world's Muslims, followed by Pakistan (11.0%), India (10.9%), and Bangladesh (9.2%). About 20% of Muslims live in Arab countries.

In the Middle East, the non-Arab countries of Turkey and Iran are the largest Muslim-majority countries; in AfricaEgypt and Nigeria have the most populous Muslim communities. The study found more Muslims in the United Kingdom than in Lebanon and more in China than in Syria.
The largest ethnic group of the world's Muslim is the Arabs, followed by the Bengalis and then Punjabis. Out of 180 million population of Pakistan, with a population of more than 100 million Muslim Punjabis, Muslim Punjabis are the largest ethnic group in Pakistan, which makes the Muslim Punjabi the third largest ethnic Muslim community (6.4%) in the world.

D). Worldwide, Punjabi is a 9th most widely spoken language. 130 million native speakers of Punjabi, makes the Punjabi nation the 9th biggest nation of the world.

01. Chinese (Mandarin) – 935 Million Native Speakers

Of the more than 6.6 billion people in the world, 14.1% of them speak Mandarin Chinese. China has many dialects, but Mandarin Chinese is the most common and widely accepted by them all. It is the native language of roughly 935 million Chinese.

02. Spanish – 387 Million Native Speakers

Saying “Hola” at spot number two is Spanish with 387 million speakers. This accounts for about 5.85% of the world getting the big bien venido upon entering this world. Also a common second language, for Americans and others, Spanish is quickly gaining ground as a world language partly due to it being widely thought of as the easiest language to learn. While it has quite a ways to go before it overtakes Chinese, it’s already overtaken number #3… English.

03. English – 365 Million Native Speakers

If you’re reading this, you speak English to some degree (or you are really confused.) While behind Spanish, English is still the lingua-franca of the world. It dominates business, trade, and America’s currency, the dollar, is still used on a global scale. Hollywood helps spread our lovely language throughout the world and helps it, maintain it as a status language.

04. Hindi – 295 Million Native Speakers

Hindi is the big-hitter in IndiaIndia has over 122 languages with 22 of them recognized by the constitution of India as official languages. From them, Hindi has emerged as the big dog; the one everyone wants to play with. It is essentially a lingua-franca in parts of, if not all of, India. Most Indians can speak or understand it to some degree. India has a lot of people, therefore a lot of people speak Hindi. Logical.

05. Arabic – 280 Million Native Speakers

Obviously, as astute as you all are, you know this statistic is a bit skewed. Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the common language used for news broadcasts and official stuff, however, most Arabic-speaking folk speak a dialect of Arabic; Egyptian Arabic, Moroccan Arabic, Algerian Arabic, etc. If these were fragmented off, none of them would easily make the top 10, however, luckily for Arabic, they are all lumped together for official purposes. You got lucky this time, Arabic. Arabic is also one of the hardest languages to learn for English speakers.

06. Portuguese – 204 Million Native Speakers

From Brazil to Portugal, the Portuguese know how to party. They also know how to multiply. From a relatively smaller number of countries, this rabbit-like mammals get it done when it comes to producing little Portuguese speakers.

07. Bengali – 202 Million Native Speakers

I bet you didn’t see Bengali coming… in fact, I bet you don’t know what Bengali is. Let me educate you. Bengali is the language native to the southeastern region of Asia known as Bengal. Think Bangladesh. While numbers vary for the ‘native speakers’ of this language, it’s still in a solid place among the top 10 most spoken languages in the world.

08. Russian – 160 Million Native Speakers

Russian, or Russki as I like to call it (I don’t know why) is a Slavic language that gives me fits when I try to learn it. Written in the Cyrillic alphabet, it looks and sounds foreign to most English speakers. The Russians know how to be cold and decline words. And be tough. And intimidating.

9. Punjabi – 130 Million Native Speakers

Punjabi is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by 130 million (2013 estimate) native speakers worldwide, making it the 9th most widely spoken language in the world.”

10. Japanese – 127 Million Native Speakers

Perhaps the most polite language on the top 10, Japanese is famous for its difficulty in addressing various levels of people with regards to their status and respect level. Seemingly two different languages are used for addressing elders and people of authority vs. That annoying kid down the street. With its unique writing system, it appears to be really foreign to a large portion of the world. However, to 127 million people, it’s pure comfort.

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